An Encouraging Personal Story of Overcoming…

An Encouraging Personal Story of Overcoming…

An Encouraging Personal Story of Overcoming… March 26, 2020 Critical Insight Group Growth Imagine waking up one day in a hospital and having no idea of where you are or how you got there. Imagine how confusing and disorienting that would be. You’re not sure if you...
When Last Becomes First

When Last Becomes First

Guest Post by Bob Burg Law #3, The Law of Influence, from John David Mann’s and my book, The Go-Giver, says that “Your influence is directly proportional to how abundantly you place other people’s interest first.” Please understand, from being self-sacrificial,...
Money, Money. What does it mean to you?

Money, Money. What does it mean to you?

Money. Money is neither good or evil. Most Americans want more. Not because they like hold pieces of paper with pictures of former presidents on them. (In fact, today it’s mostly just a number in some account out there in cyberspace.) But because of what money...
The Goal Isn’t Power, it’s Influence

The Goal Isn’t Power, it’s Influence

Titles are good for stroking egos, but they don’t mean much as far as leadership. As Margret Thatcher, the former British prime minister observed, “Being a leader is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren’t.” Many misguided leaders aspire to...
The 6 Levels of ‘Thinking for Success’

The 6 Levels of ‘Thinking for Success’

Many of you know that I base much of my coaching on the foundational law of human performance, and human behavior, that ‘our thinking drives our behavior which determines our results – the conditions, circumstances and outcomes in our lives…(therefore, to change...