Many people wonder through their entire life doing what someone tells them, or allows them, to do as their job. It could be a boss or well-meaning friend or spouse, whoever. The story typically goes something like this. “Well, when I got out of school [insert company name here] was hiring, so I started there. Now, [insert number of years here] I’m still with them. And I’m pretty much stuck. It’s too late to switch [read as ‘start from the bottom’] to anything else. I guess I’m just going to be a [insert job they never really wanted to be] my whole life.”

Rare is the person who truly loves what they are doing. Even rarer is the person who is doing what they are meant to do!

I heard a radio talk show host who said it very well. [About staying on the radio and not moving to TV] he said, “I realized this was the single greatest opportunity for me to be who I am.” I’ve added to it just a bit, and now use it with several of my coaching clients in helping them find “the single greatest opportunity for them to be who they are and do what they were meant to do.”

So what are you ‘meant to do?’ Clearly we all have strengths and weaknesses. We all have talents and gifts and things we don’t enjoy. So we’re meant – as if designed specifically for – something. Have you found it? Have you even tried, really? How much time and mental energy have you actually invested?

Think about what it would truly feel like to be doing, earning a living, doing ‘what you are meant to do’! That would be amazing, right? Right. So are you going to invest some time and effort actually figuring out what you are meant to do?

You know, if you’re not doing what you are meant to do, one of two things is currently going on. One, someone else is trying to do what you were meant to do. So not only are they not doing what they were meant to do; but they probably aren’t nearly as good at doing ‘your thing’ as you would be…if you would just figure it out and do it. Or, ‘your thing’ isn’t getting done at all. And the world is worse off for it. There is a void.

So spend some time working on determining what you are truly meant to do. Invest some real time and effort (and if you need some help, let me know) to find ‘your thing’. Because when you do, it will be amazing!

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